Thursday, October 7, 2010

DESIGNER THINKING FOR SALE :: The above is an eloquently stated quote by Herbert A. Simon which was not originally written about designers as the sole audience of consideration, but I think, accurately illustrates an important topic of consideration for designers today – the value of our creative thinking, the process in which we arrive at our visual conclusions.

As technology becomes more and more intertwined in our communications decision-making, it will become more and more important for the designer to emphasize our thought process. So often the latest trends in technology are the focus of discussions revolving around design and advertising. Regardless of the medium/software/application/tool at the designers disposal, our most valuable resource is creative thinking and the creative process. Once the emphasis is placed on thinking and process, the medium we choose to visualize our solution will become secondary, leading way for our clients to appreciate the most valuable commodity in the designers arsenal...our creative brain power.